
The Long and Winding Road toward degrees Ordinary and Beyond: ‘Rise, Master of Arts’

My longtime friend, Paul Mason, from my first round of undergraduate days and nights at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario from 1976 to 1979, wrote earlier today:

“If I had the power to re-order university education in Ontario – and it’s probably just as well I haven’t – I would bring back university entrance exams. They would not measure whether students had mastered bodies of information, however, so much as whether they could read, write and reason: I’d confront them with four pieces of writing of some substance, and set them questions which sought to determine whether they had understood them, and whether they could say something intelligent about them. (And, yes, the pieces of writing could be delivered via audio file for those with learning disabilities, and their responses could be dictated.)

“Students would then embark on a two-year program designed to equip them with an Associate Degree. Each year would require them to take four courses: five is too many if students can reasonably be expected to do all the required readings. So in a Liberal Arts program, the first year course line-up might be, say, History, Politics, French and Biology; or English, Religious Studies, Geography and Astronomy; or Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy and Art History; or Music Theory, Calculus, Italian and Freshwater Ecosystems … But there would be strenuous encouragement for students to plunge into the extracurricular life of the university – singing in choirs, participating in theatrical productions, volunteering for after school childcare programs, playing a sport, attending public lectures in subjects outside their own disciplines.

“Second year would permit greater specialization. And then – graduation! With an Associate Degree! And the university would say, go! Go out into the world! Work! Because now you’ve gained some independence from your families – or so one hopes – but you need to gain some life experience so that you have something to bring back, something to offer, when you convert your Associate Degree into an Honours BA. We’ll see you when you’re 25, 26, 27 – 30, even. We’ll see you when you have a better sense of who you are, and when you are able to better understand the value of what we’re offering you … and to have something to offer yourselves.”

“Yeah, I’m just thinking aloud. Interested, as always, to see what other folk have to say.”

It took me almost 17 years to complete my Honours B.A. in History from Trent University between September 1976 and June 1993. When I arrived at Trent in 1976, I lived in Champlain College D-17, an upper floor single room on the staircase. There were co-ed washrooms on the winding staircase floors, and the sauna was co-ed. Colour me 19 years old in paradise. Did I say how much I came to like saunas? In deference to parental comfort, the dons helpfully made sure there were temporary paper signs designating “Mens” and “Womens” washrooms on the staircase for the September Sunday mom and dad delivered their first-year progeny to residence.

It was a very different time. To paraphrase the British writer, L.P. Hartley, the past is a foreign country and we did things differently there. The AIDS epidemic was still almost five years away and officially began on June 5, 1981, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report newsletter reported unusual clusters of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) caused by a form of Pneumocystis carinii in five homosexual men in Los Angeles. Cecil County, Maryland bluegrass singer Zane Campbell’s haunting song Post-Mortem Bar in 1990, in the movie Longtime Companion, captured the poignancy of those days in the early 1980s when Campbell Scott, son of the legendary actor George C. Scott, and then a 28-year-old actor at the time, playing the character “Willy,” observed in the movie’s final scene, “It seems inconceivable, doesn’t it, that there was ever a time before this, when we didn’t wake up every day wondering who’s sick now, who else is gone?” as Post-Mortem Bar is heard in the background. If you read the comments from viewers on a YouTube clip linked to here you get some idea of the power of the ending and how some 25 years on it resonates with people still as the moment that AIDS was brought home for them and was no longer just a problem for some queers in San Francisco. You can listen to it and watch it on YouTube here at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dukIb4UU094

But the 80s were still in the future when I arrived at university as an undergraduate. There was a time before all this. In 1976, Bacchus ruled at Trent University. 

As I finally walked across University Court in front of the Thomas J. Bata Library that convocation day in June 1993 to receive my four-year Honours B.A., and then Registrar Alf (A.O.C.) Cole was handing me my degree, then President and Vice-Chancellor John Stubbs, an historian by trade, grinned, shook my hand, and said to me, “Nice to see you finally take the walk.” Queen’s University in Kingston was a tad more formal in October 1995 when I received my master’s degree at the hands of Chancellor Agnes McCausland Benidickson. I had to kneel in front of her until she tapped me on the right shoulder, and spoke the words, “Rise, master of arts.” Fortunately, as a cradle Catholic, I had a deeply instilled love of ritual and tradition, which served me well that fall day.

I’m especially fond, however, of my 1992 three-year B.A. (Ordinary). What better reminder could one hope for in the academic world for instilling humility than a degree that has the word “ordinary” written on it? I think the three-year B.A. went from being an “Ordinary” at Trent to “General.” How prosaic. I’m not sure if a three-year B.A. by any name even exists any longer at Trent.

Technically you were supposed to “surrender” your three-year Ordinary B.A. to receive your four-year Honours B.A. If you’re looking down from the Great Registrar’s Office In-The-Sky, Alf, my apologies. I seem to have overlooked that at the time.

I really love some of the quirks of academic life. Marion Fry, in the Summer of 1978, when she was serving as acting president, had me in her office one morning to explain to me the finer distinctions between “rustication” and “debarment” (one year in academic exile, versus three for repeat offenders). The Committee on Undergraduate Standings and Petitions (CUSP) thought I was a worthy candidate for the former. Professor Fry, who just turned 90, and moved back to Peterborough after retiring as president and vice-chancellor of the University of King’s College in Halifax, the city where she was born, said to me at the time, “It’s not like we’d literally send you off in the wilderness for a year to be a rustic, John.”

I appealed the CUSP decision and the Special Appeals Committee, the impartial adjudicative appeal body of last resort for students on academic matters at Trent, overturned the CUSP decision and I carried on with my studies . My appeal, I thought, was based on a novel, albeit lame-sounding then and even now almost 44 years later argument: I had “failed” all five full-time courses for the 1977-78 academic year, true, but because I had not gone to almost any classes, and was then too busy with student politics and journalism to get myself over to the registrar’s office in time for the voluntary withdrawal deadline, I argued that my five Fs really said nothing about my academic ability in those particular circumstances, and shouldn’t be given too much weight. Certainly, not enough to rusticate me anyway. It is hard to imagine I delivered this argument before the committee in person with a straight face. Frankly, their more-than-generous verdict was a gift of unmerited grace, and I have been forever grateful. I was an indifferent student between 1976 and 1978, easily distracted from academics by student politics, the ARTHUR, Trent Radio, girls, parties, bootleg Molson Brador malt liquor from Hull, Québec, and Canadian Club rye whisky.

To this day, I believe, my Trent University permanent transcript notes I have five F’s from 1978 and an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) from 1993.

The role of the Special Appeals Committee “is to judge whether the application of university regulations, policies or practices has caused undue hardship on any student who appeals. Where undue hardship is found to have occurred, the committee has the authority to prescribe appropriate relief.” Jim Jury, a professor in the Physics Department, chaired the Special Appeals Committee at the time.

You can also follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/jwbarker22


Manitoba mandate letter gives UCN and other post-secondary institutions marching orders on ‘stewardship of public funds’

Progressive Conservative Minister of Economic Development and Training Ralph Eichler has given the University College of the North (UCN), and the province’s other seven universities and four colleges – Booth University College, Brandon University, Canadian Mennonite University, Providence University College, Université de Saint-Boniface, University of Manitoba, and the University of Winnipeg, Assiniboine Community College, École Technique et Professionnelle, International College of Manitoba, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology, and Red River College – their marching orders in the form of a mandate letter that addresses “stewardship of public funds.” UCN offers both university and college-level programs.

In his letter earlier this month, sent to Cam Mateika, chair of UCN’s governing council, Eichler writes: “The Province of Manitoba expends over one billion dollars annually on our post-secondary system, through direct funding to institutions and indirectly through student financial supports, tax credits and research funding, among other supports. Manitobans expect that all public sector organizations operate with sound oversight, financial accountability and transparency as core principles. Manitoba is continuing its efforts to achieve fiscal and workforce sustainability and this requires all of our public sector entities, including post-secondary institutions, to be aligned with government policies and priorities with respect to compensation for executive employees and management staffing levels.”

Before entering politics, Eichler served for eight years as the administrator of the Stonewall-based Interlake School Division.

“The Province has made difficult decisions to help stabilize our finances while protecting our front line services. In the same way, we expect post-secondary institutions to ensure the financial sustainability of our post-secondary education system. Institutions must employ lean principles, reducing duplication, increasing efficiencies, and ensuring that expenditures consider value for taxpayer’s dollars. Specifically, opportunities to develop and implement a shared services model for ‘back office’ functions, such as procurement, centralized applications, and other related administrative activities should be explored. In addition, institutions should coordinate academic programming to reduce duplication of effort and achieve economies of scale.

“It is expected that institutions operate with balanced budgets, in a fiscally responsible manner. Institutions must seek approval from the provincial government on all institution-owned or controlled capital projects, including approval of related operating expenditures, regardless of the funding source. Each organization should develop five-year capital plans and submit those plans to the Province for review.”

Eichler copied his letter to Mateika to Doug Lauvstad, president and vice-chancellor of the University College of the North. The school released a copy of the minister’s letter Jan. 27.

“Over the next year,” Eichler goes on to say, “post-secondary institutions will work together, in partnership with the Province, to further define student successes and continue to build data capacity to enable measurement of outcomes over time. Going forward, leveraging this foundational data work, Manitoba will be developing a new model for post-secondary funding based on performance, and will be engaging institutions in the design.”

The minister also said, “Post-secondary institutions need to be closely connected to industry to ensure programs meet workforce needs and students gain the right skills and competencies to succeed. There are numerous examples of successful partnerships at all of our Manitoba institutions, however, more alignment and collaboration is needed in order to meet the demands of our ever-evolving world of work.”

More than ever, said Eichler, “it is critical that our colleges and universities be nimble and responsive, ceasing programs that lack responsiveness and value in a modern context and building programs that deliver the skills needed for today and tomorrow. It is expected that Manitoba’s post-secondary institutions will become more agile and continuously make changes to their systems in order to be more responsive to the pace of labour market changes.”

The minister’s letter also follows on work by Higher Education Strategy Associates, of Toronto, and its Government of Manitoba: Manitoba College Review System-Wide Report, released almost two years ago in March 2018. The provincial government asked for the review, co-authored by Alex Usher and Yves Y. Pelletier,  in 2016, shortly after it was first elected, and it was undertaken between November 2016 and November 2017.

Higher Education Strategies Associates’ mandate was to undertake a review of the five post-secondary institutions in Manitoba that offer college-level programs: Assiniboine Community College, the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology, Red River College, Université de Saint-Boniface and University College of the North, or UCN as its just as often abbreviated to and known as. The government, first elected in April 2016, set out five objectives: to develop forward looking system-wide strategic directions and a proactive, co-ordinated, systemic approach to college education; to enable the college system to improve outcomes for students, including indigenous students, with improved completion and employment rates; to strengthen labour market alignment and responsiveness to labour market need; to improve governance and sustainability of the college system with lean, efficient and effective administration and operations; and to further promote innovation, collaboration and partnership opportunities within the college system and with industry partners.

 You can also follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/jwbarker22