Missing Persons, Mystery

On Nov. 24, 1971 – 43 years ago today – a man who would forever after be known by the alias ‘D.B. Cooper,’ skyjacked Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305 en route from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington in the most audacious and only unsolved act of air piracy in U.S. history


On Sept 21, 2013, I received a three-sentence e-mail from a reader out of the blue saying, “I just read your article on James Macdonald. I would never want to disrespect the deceased/missing, but he fits the description of Dan Cooper. The FBI suspects D.B. Cooper was from Canada.”

The Dec. 7, 2012 story he referred to was about James (Jim) Hugh Macdonald, 46, the owner of J.H. Macdonald & Associates Ltd., consulting structural engineers on Pembina Highway in Winnipeg, who climbed into his Mooney Mark M20D single-engine prop aircraft, bearing the registration mark CF-ABT, and took off half an hour after sunset from the Thompson Airport in Northern Manitoba at 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 7, 1971 to make his return flight home and disappeared into the rapidly darkening sky to never be seen or heard from again. He was the sole occupant of the four-seater plane.

To this day, the Winnipeg private pilot and civil engineer, who would be 89 if he were still alive, is still listed by the RCMP as a “missing person,” as no remains or wreckage were ever found, and is featured on the website of “Project Disappear,” Manitoba’s missing person/cold case project managed by the RCMP “D” Division historical case and major case management units in Winnipeg at: http://www.macp.mb.ca/results.php?id=76. “The file is currently still under investigation and is with the RCMP “D” Division historical case unit,” retired Sgt. Line Karpish, then senior media relations spokesperson for the Mounties in Winnipeg, said Dec. 6, 2012. The file number for the Macdonald missing person case  is File #: 1989-10514. Anyone with information on Macdonald’s disappearance almost 43 years ago is asked to call Winnipeg RCMP at (204) 983-5461 or contact them by email at: ddiv_contact@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

From the disappearance and still ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, with 239 people aboard (227 passengers and 12 crew), which took off from Kuala Lumpur after midnight Malaysia Time (MYT) on March 8, never making it to its 6:30. a.m. scheduled arrival in Beijing, disappearing from civilian radar over the Gulf of Thailand as responsibility was being handed from Malaysian ground control to Vietnam, to an Argentine military plane carrying 69 people that disappeared in 1965 and has never been found, to Amelia Earhart in 1937 through the disappearance of Flight 19, the five United States Navy TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers that went missing over the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean on Dec. 5, 1945, and then D.B. Cooper on Nov. 24, 1971 – just 2½ weeks before Macdonald disappeared – there has long been a huge public fascination with the mystery of missing aviators or similar aviation-related stories before Macdonald disappeared. His widow, Claire Macdonald, told me in an interview in December 2012 that someone once wildly jokingly said to her, “Maybe he flew to Mexico.” She said her reply was: “How far can you go in that little plane in that winter weather?” But the close nexus in time between the two aviation disappearances in late 1971 and the fact both men were Caucasians in their mid-forties made at least some Cooper and Macdonald comparisons inevitable.

J.H. Macdonald & Associates Ltd. was a small firm with about seven employees. Jim Macdonald was the only professional engineer on staff and a few months after his disappearance, its business affairs were wound down.

One of Macdonald’s last projects as a consulting structural engineer was the construction of additional classroom space for special needs students at Prince Charles School on Wellington Avenue at Wall Street in Winnipeg. He was in Thompson on business the day his plane disappeared on Dec. 7, 1971 for what was to be an in-and-out single day trip, but it is not certain now exactly what the business was. It may or may not have been related to proposed work for the School District of Mystery Lake since school construction projects were one of his areas of expertise.

Macdonald, who graduated from the University of Manitoba with his civil engineering degree in 1950, often worked with architectural firms, including his brother’s. Other than working for a year in Saskatoon, he spent his entire career living and working in Winnipeg. Macdonald, who was born on March 20, 1925, trained as a pilot when he was 19 and joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) shortly before the Second World War ended in 1945 and before he could be shipped overseas into the theatre of combat operations.  His son, Bill Macdonald, was 15 when his dad disappeared in 1971 and is a Winnipeg teacher and freelance journalist, who in 1998 wrote The True Intrepid: Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown Agents, telling the story of the British Security Coordination (BSC) spymaster – codename Intrepid – set up by British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). Ian Fleming, the English naval intelligence officer and author, best known for his James Bond series of spy novels, once said of his friend Stephenson, a Winnipeg native: “James Bond is a highly romanticized version of a true spy. The real thing is … William Stephenson.”

Macdonald had filed a 3½-hour flight plan to fly Visual Flight Rules (VFR) via Grand Rapids to Winnipeg that Tuesday. It was around -30 C at the time of takeoff on Dec. 7, 1971 and the winds were light from the west at five km/h, according to Environment Canada weather records, said Dale Marciski, a  recently retired meteorologist with the Meteorological Service of Canada in Winnipeg. Macdonald was reportedly wearing a brown suit jacket when he took off from Thompson and it was unknown whether the plane was carrying winter survival clothing and gear.

While there was some ice fog, Marciski said, the sky was mainly clear and visibility was good at 24 kilometres. Transport Canada’s VFRs for night flying generally call for aircraft flying in uncontrolled airspace to be at least 1,000 feet above ground with a minimum of three miles visibility and the plane’s distance from cloud to be at least 2,000 feet horizontally and 500 feet vertically. Transport Canada investigated the disappearance of Macdonald’s flight in 1971 because the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) had yet to be created.

Macdonald’s disappearance triggered an intensive air search that at its peak in the days immediately after the aviator went missing involved more than 100 personnel covering almost 20,000 miles in nine search and rescue planes from Canadian Armed Forces bases in Edmonton and Winnipeg, including a Lockheed T-33 T-bird jet trainer and two de Havilland short takeoff and landing CC-138 Twin Otters, two RCMP planes and 11 civilian aircraft.

The search for Macdonald and his Mooney Mark M20D began only hours after his disappearance, on the Tuesday night. The Lockheed T-33 T-bird jet trainer flew the missing aircraft’s intended flight line from Winnipeg to Thompson and back to Winnipeg. The T-33 carried highly sophisticated electronic equipment and flew Macdonald’s flight plan both ways at extremely high altitude hoping to pick up signals from the Mooney Mark M20D’s emergency radio frequency, or the crash position indicator, a radio beacon designed to be ejected from an aircraft if it crashes to help ensure it survives the crash and any post-crash fire or sinking, allowing it to broadcast a homing signal to search and rescue aircraft, which was believed be carried by Macdonald on the Mooney Mark M20D.

The next morning –  Dec. 8, 1971 – search and rescue aircraft re-flew the “track” in a visual search both ways, assisted by electronic listening devices, to no avail.

The area between Winnipeg and Thompson on both sides of the intended flight pattern was then zoned off and aircraft were assigned to particular zones and then flew the zones from east to west at one mile intervals until the entire area was over flown – first at higher altitudes and then again at lower altitudes.

Every private or commercial pilot flying the area assisted the organized search. Thompson Airport’s central tower was issuing a missing plane report at the end of every transmission, asking pilots in the area to keep a visual watch for Macdonald’s aircraft, and to listen for transmissions on the emergency band on their radios.

A second search for Macdonald and his Mooney Mark M20D single-engine prop aircraft was commenced almost six months later in May 1972, after spring had arrived in Northern Manitoba and all the snow had melted. Nothing turned up.

Who then was D.B. Cooper? The question still preoccupies old-time FBI agents and mystery aficionados alike.

There were nine frequently discussed suspects – all Americans, as far as I am aware –  over the years: Kenneth Christiansen, Lynn Doyle Cooper, Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr., Duane Weber, Jack Coffelt, William Gossett, Barbara (formerly Bobby) Dayton, John List and Ted Mayfield. Most had military combat experience. All the suspects are in fact dead now, with the exception of Mayfield, who denies being D.B. Cooper.

On Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1971  –  43 years ago today and the day before American Thanksgiving that year – someone using the alias Dan Cooper, which quickly got mistakenly turned into D.B. Cooper, committed the most audacious act of air piracy in U.S. history with the mid-afternoon skyjacking of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305, flying over the Pacific Northwest, en route from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington with 36 passengers and six crew members aboard.

He paid $20 cash for his airline ticket in Portland. Once on board, Cooper passed a note to flight attendant Florence Schaffner demanding $200,000 ransom in unmarked $20 bills and two back parachutes and two front parachutes.  Initially, Schaffner dropped the note unopened into her purse, until Cooper leaned toward her and whispered, “Miss, you’d better look at that note. I have a bomb.”

The day-before-Thanksgiving flight landed in Seattle, where passengers were exchanged for parachutes, including possibly an NB-8 rig with a C-9 canopy, known as a “double-shot” pinch-and-pull system that in 1971 would have allowed jumpers to disengage quickly from their chutes after they landed so that the wind did not drag them, and the cash, all in $20 bills, as he had demanded, although not unmarked it would turn out.

The plane took off again with only Cooper and the crew aboard about half an hour later. Cooper told the pilot to fly a low-speed, low-altitude flight path at about 120 mph, close to the minimum before the plane would go into a stall, at a maximum 10,000 feet, to aid in his jump. To ensure a minimum speed he specified that the landing gear remain down, in the takeoff and landing position, and the wing flaps be lowered 15 degrees. To ensure a low altitude he ordered that the cabin remain unpressurized.

He bailed out into the rainy night through the plane’s rear stairway, which he lowered himself, somewhere near the Washington-Oregon boundary in Washington State, probably near Ariel in Cowlitz County, or possibly around Washougal or Camas in Clark County.

In February 1980, eight-year-old Brian Ingram, vacationing with his family on the Columbia River about 20 miles southwest of Ariel, uncovered three packets of $5,800 of the ransom cash, disintegrated but still bundled in rubber bands, as he raked the sandy riverbank beachfront at an area known as Tina’s Bar to build a campfire on the Columbia River about 20 miles southwest of Ariel.

So why do we remember D.B. Cooper some 43 years later? Was the 1971 jump from 10,000 feet into the sub-freezing temperatures and bitter wind-chills during freefall even survivable?

Geoffrey Gray, a contributing editor at New York magazine and the author of Skyjack: The Hunt for D. B. Cooper, suggested in a New York Times article on Aug. 6, 2011 that it’s the “not-knowing” that makes Cooper so compelling for us. “In an age when we receive answers to our questions so quickly – now as fast as a midsentence trip to Wikipedia – the fact that we still don’t know who Cooper is feels somehow unfair,” Gray argues.

“Even some lawmen who scoured the woods for Cooper four decades ago suggested they hoped they would come up short.

“If he took the trouble to plan this thing out so thoroughly, well, good luck to him,” one local sheriff said.

But no trace of Cooper or Macdonald have ever been found.

 You can also follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/jwbarker22
Parliament Hill

Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons Kevin Vickers reportedly killed attacker in Centre Block gunfight

Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons Kevin Vickers reportedly shot and killed 32-year-old attacker Michael Zehaf-Bibeau during a gunfight this morning in the Centre Block on Parliament Hill in an attack on the centre of government. Vickers was not injured in the volley of gunfire. Greg Peters, Usher of the Black Rod to the Senate of Canada, reportedly injured both legs after jumping from a second storey roof, while the attacker was outside his office. Peters was reportedly aiding a House of Commons Security Services  staffer, who had been shot in the leg, escape at the time. Both were treated and released from The Ottawa Hospital. A retired RCMP superintendent from Souris, Prince Edward Island, Peters, 54, is responsible for security within the Senate red chamber.

The gunfight took place in the Hall of Honour, the main entrance to the Centre Block beneath the Peace Tower, and part of the central axis of the Centre Block, joining Confederation Hall to the Library of Parliament, and providing access to the main committee rooms.

Vickers, 58, does not normally carry a sidearm, but he reportedly keeps a handgun in his office.

A 29-year veteran of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Vickers joined the House of Commons as director of security operations in June 2005. He was appointed as Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons in August 2006.

As Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons, Vickers is responsible for the safety and security of the Parliament buildings and occupants, and ensuring and controlling access to the House of Commons. Most people probably knew the job better until today for its chief ceremonial function – Vickers preceding Speaker Andrew Scheer into the House of Commons before every sitting, carrying the gilded silver mace, representing royal authority and a sign that the Queen has given the House of Commons the authority to meet and decide on the laws which govern the country, and which is kept in the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms.

Parliament is supreme in a constitutional monarchy. It is a principle that dates back to at least December 1689 and the Bill of Rights passed by “the said lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, assembled at Westminster” to “resolve that William and Mary, prince and princess of Orange, be, and be declared, king and queen of England, France, and Ireland….”

Some would look back even further to King John of England signing the articles that would lead to the great council, forerunner of the British Parliament, with the Magna Carta on the meadow at Runnymede in June 1215.

Many members of the Conservative, Liberal and NDP parties were in their usual Wednesday morning caucus meetings, which had just gotten underway in many cases, when the shooting on Parliament Hill began shortly before 10 a.m. EDT. Niki  Ashton, NDP MP for the riding of Churchill in Northern Manitoba, has tweeted she is safe but in lockdown. “I’m ok. Thank you for your messages. My thoughts are with those keeping us safe,” Niki Ashton has tweeted.

During his 29-year career with the RCMP, Vickers held positions of increasing responsibility and scope, including district commander, Acadian Peninsula in northeastern New Brunswick, and director general, national contract policing branch. Vickers also served as an aide-de-camp for the lieutenant governor of New Brunswick. He is the recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal, the Canada 125 Medal and the RCMP Long Service Medal, and was recognized for his work 15 years ago during the Burnt Church crisis, the lobster wars between the Mi’kmaq people of the Esgenoopetitj First Nation at Burnt Church and non-aboriginal Acadian fishermen.

Police are investigating two shootings, one at the Canadian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the  National War Memorial in Confederation Square and one in the Hall of Honour, part of the central axis of the Centre Block, joining Confederation Hall to the Library of Parliament, and providing access to the main committee rooms. Both locations are geographically close in a compact area that forms the centre of government for Canada and commercial activity in the City of Ottawa. The dead suspect is believed to be have been involved in both shootings and no other suspects are in custody, the Ottawa Police Service says.

All Canadian Forces bases across Canada have been closed to public access and the Royal Alexandra Bridge, the inter-provincial bridge between Ottawa in Ontario and Gatineau in Quebec, has been closed. Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2), the highest readiness and most precise combat and counter terrorism specialized unit within the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command – the successors of the legendary U.S. and Canadian combined 1st Special Service Force from the Second World War or, as it was commonly known, “the Devil’s Brigade” – is being mobilized in Ottawa. Stephen Day, former head of JTF 2, told CBC the attack in Ottawa appears to be sophisticated and a clear attempt to psychologically destabilize the populace. Day said police, the RCMP, the federal police force, and the local Ottawa Police Service, would be lead agency initially, with JTF 2 in planning preparations. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is on elevated alert status. All MP’s constituency offices have been closed across the country.

Defence officials have advised all Canadian Forces personnel not engaged in active duty today to not wear their uniforms after work on errands on their way home, for instance, but instead to wear civilian clothing, as Canadian soldier appear to be deliberately targeted.

Cpl. Nathan Frank Cirillo, 24, a reservist from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s) in Hamilton, Ontario, part of an honour guard at the Canadian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial in Confederation Square, was shot and died at The Ottawa Hospital. A civilian passerby performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the wounded reservist. The Argylls are an infantry unit of the Canadian Forces primary reserves.

The shootings in Ottawa today came less than 48 hours after 25-year-old hit-and-run suspect Martin Couture Rouleau is believed to have aimed his vehicle at two members of the Canadian Armed Forces, who were on foot in a strip mall parking lot, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, located about 50 kilometres southeast of Montreal. One of the soldiers, Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, 53, later died in hospital, while the other suffered minor injuries. Rouleau was shot and killed after a police chase.

Globe and Mail reporter Josh Wingrove’s extraordinary 57-second video of the gunfight, filled with the sound of more than 30 rounds of percussive gunfire, is available on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrGqoISd-do&sns=tw

You can also follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/jwbarker22
