Popular Culture and Ideas

Mandelaed: What if it never appeared on TV in Flash Gordon in the 21st or Buck Rogers in the 25th century?

Has metal bucket head man “Mandelaed” me?

What if metal bucket head man, as I like to think of him, never actually appeared in the 25th century Buck Rogers black and white TV series in 1950 or 1951, or in 1954 or 1955 in an episode of Flash Gordon from the 21st century?

What if … none of it was real, or at least that there was no metal bucket head man (it’s hard to describe the appearance of the character exactly, but over his head, if he had one, or in lieu of one if he didn’t, appeared to be something reminiscent of one of those upside down old silver metal wash pails or buckets, yet the rest of him looked more humanoid than like a robot, although he didn’t speak in either case), but I remembered him from my childhood as real?

Well, never fear, the explanation may simply be that I was mandelaed and am displaying a classic case of the “Mandela Effect,” as it is called, although in my case it may or may not be a case of being privately mandelaed, rather than the collective misremembering of common events the phenomenon is usually identified with.

“This form of collective misremembering of common events or details first emerged in 2010, when countless people on the internet falsely remembered Nelson Mandela was dead,” notes Neil Dagnall, reader in applied cognitive psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University in England, in a Feb. 12 piece in The Conversation, based in Toronto. “It was widely believed he had died in prison during the 1980s. In reality, Mandela was actually freed in 1990 and passed away in 2013 – despite some people’s claims they remember clips of his funeral on TV.”

Paranormal consultant Fiona Broome, discussing the possibility of alternate memories and alternate realities, was one of the two people who coined the phrase “Mandela Effect” during a conversation in Dragon Con‘s “green room” in late 2009 to explain this collective misremembering, and then “other examples started popping up all over the internet,” Dagnall says. “For instance, it was wrongly recalled that C-3PO from Star Wars was gold, actually one of his legs is silver. Likewise, people often wrongly believe that the Queen in Snow White says, ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall.’ The correct phrase is “magic mirror on the wall.”

In an Oct. 13, 2016 article, BuzzFeed staff writer Christopher Hudspeth, lists 20 examples of the Mandela Effect, ranging from the common misspelling of Oscar Mayer, the famous brand of hot dogs and lunch meat, as Oscar Meyer, to the Monopoly board game mascot, Rich Uncle Pennybags, having a monocle, when he doesn’t.

In a similar vein, as I wrote here in a March 25, 2015 post headlined “If there was a biblical equivalent to a mondegreen, it might well be the famous 45th verse from the fifth chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew” (https://soundingsjohnbarker.wordpress.com/2015/03/25/if-there-was-a-biblical-equivalent-to-a-mondegreen-it-might-well-be-the-famous-45th-verse-from-the-fifth-chapter-of-the-gospel-of-st-matthew/) when you “mishear the lyrics to a song it is called a mondegreen, which is a sort of aural malapropism. Instead of saying the wrong word, you hear the wrong word. The word mondegreen is generally used for misheard song lyrics, although technically it can apply to any speech. A mondegreen is a mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase as a result of near-homophony, in a way that gives it a new meaning.” Hudspeth cites the example of “We Are the Champions” by Queen where “many of those familiar with the song remember the final lyrics being ‘No time for losers, ’cause we are the champions … of the world!’ Guess what? There is no ‘of the world!’ The song just ends, and it’s driving people crazy because they feel 100% sure that they’ve heard otherwise in the past.”

Broome explains the Mandela Effect s differences arising from movement between parallel realities (the multiverse). This is based on the theory that within each universe alternative versions of events and objects exist.

“Broome also draws comparisons between existence and the holodeck of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek, writes Dagnall. “The holodeck was a virtual reality system, which created recreational experiences. By her explanation, memory errors are software glitches. This is explained as being similar to the film The Matrix.”

Broome has described the Mandela Effect this way: “The ‘Mandela Effect’ is what happens when someone has a clear, personal memory of something that never happened in this reality.

“Many people – mostly total strangers – seem to remember several of the exact same events with the exact same details. However, those memories are different from what’s in history books, newspaper archives, and so on.”

Other theories propose that the Mandela Effect is evidence of  changes in history caused by time travellers.

The X-Files, appropriately enough, had a fine real-time nod to fake news and the Trumpocalypse, while at the same time staying campy and conspiratorially self-referential in its treatment of the Mandela Effect this year in season 11, episode four, “The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat,” which aired Jan. 24. Writes Brian Tallerico on Vulture, the culture and entertainment site from New York magazine: “We’re introduced to the Mandela effect through the story of Reggie Something, played by Brian Huskey. We meet him in full Deep Throat mode, chewing sunflower seeds in a parking garage, having a clandestine meeting with Mulder. He knows he’s going to seem crazy, so he gives Mulder a very personal example of the Mandela effect, revealing to him that his favorite episode of The Twilight Zone, “The Lost Martian,” doesn’t really exist. Of course, we know it doesn’t, but Mulder is convinced that he saw it when he was a kid. He rummages through his belongings to find it, leading to the great line when Scully suggests it might be a different series: “Confuse The Twilight Zone with The Outer Limits?! Do you even KNOW ME?!?!”

You can also follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/jwbarker22



Code ICD E 978 – legal execution by guillotine; Lord Cardinal Amleto Giovanni Cicognani: Search engine queries tell us interesting bits of information about our readers

ICD-9cardinal cicognani

You can learn a lot about what your readers are thinking about on any given day on a WordPress blog simply by going to the “Site Stats” section and seeing what search engine terms they have used. Sometimes it can be pretty obvious they found (or didn’t find) what they were looking for. Other times it’s a bit of a puzzler, a detective mystery for me of sorts. I might recognize the names or search terms but see them with additional information or combination in the query that I had never thought about in reference to them.

One of the search engine terms used for https://soundingsjohnbarker.wordpress.com/ yesterday was “what is icd o e 978.” That was sort of an easy one for me to figure out because I’m pretty sure I have written about the topic, but only once in a blog post last Dec. 11 headlined, “News from the fringe: Back to the Future Part II and Chicago Cubs win 2015 World Series, Before It’s News, Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!, Trunews: The Real News, Uncensored, Rapture Ready News, AboveTopSecret.com – Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Politics, and other ‘alternative topics’ and Coast to Coast AM with George Noory,” which can be read at: https://soundingsjohnbarker.wordpress.com/2014/12/11/news-from-the-fringe-back-to-the-future-part-ii-and-chicago-cubs-win-2015-world-series-before-its-news-alex-jones-infowars-theres-a-war-on-for-your-mind-trunews-the-real-news-uncensored/

What I wrote four months ago was this: “Just don’t let yourself get worked up into a lather about Code ICD E 978 and legal execution by guillotine coming to the United States via Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington if you stumble onto that meme. For some of the history of where that comes from, check out (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2009/08/28/74549_secret-camps-and-guillotines-groups.html?rh=1) and http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2013/06/21/government-purchased-30000-guillotines.htm

Other searches by readers potentially lead me in directions I hadn’t previously explored. Last Dec. 5 – less than a week before I wrote about Code ICD E 978 and legal execution by guillotine coming to the United States (or not) via Joint Base Lewis-McChord, I had posted a piece called “Blessed Pope Paul VI’s famous ‘Smoke of Satan’ homily of June 29, 1972: The enigmatic Malachi Martin would later suggest the Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer occurred exactly nine years to the day earlier on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, as the Availing Time arrived on June 29, 1963,” which can be found here at: https://soundingsjohnbarker.wordpress.com/2014/12/05/blessed-pope-paul-vis-famous-smoke-of-satan-homily-of-june-29-1972-the-enigmatic-malachi-martin-would-later-suggest-the-enthronement-of-the-fallen-archangel-lucifer-occurred-exactly-nine-years/

Soon after this query, a statement really, “cardinal cicognani died four days later” appeared in the search engine terms. Indeed, my post does mention that “Lord Cardinal Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, dean of the sacred college” of cardinals, was present at the June 29, 1972 mass where the “Smoke of Satan” homily was given by Blessed Pope Paul VI on the ninth anniversary of his coronation, and which remains perhaps the most famous and most-argued about in terms of meaning sermons the Holy Father delivered during his 15-year-plus pontificate.

What my post doesn’t anywhere say is that Cardinal Cicognani “died four days later.” In fact, he didn’t.

Cicognani, an Italian cardinal, who received his red hat from Pope Saint John XXIII, served as Vatican secretary of state from 1961 to 1969, and dean of the College of Cardinals from 1972 until his death. Which was in Rome at the age of 90 on Nov. 17, 1973.

Not on July 3, 1972 – which would have been “four days later” after Blessed Pope Paul VI’s June 29, 1972 “Smoke of Satan” homily.”

You can also follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/jwbarker22
